Tamburo Opera Tom tom 10x8
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Tamburo Opera Tom tom 10x8

Prosimy wypełnić poniższe pola formularza, biuro obsługi klienta skontaktuje się z Państwem najszybciej jak to możliwe.

* Pola wymagane

Anuluj lub 

Opera is the masterpiece of Tamburo thanks to its original and unique design, a series of wooden 'staves' linked together to form a cylinder, allowing Opera to stand out from the competition. The construction concept of the 'stave' uses different types of lamellar plywood, especially selected for Tamburo, thus producing its peculiar and distinctive sound with warm and round tones. Its strong and technologically innovative solution of the cylinder inner rim, covered by an international patent, provides a stronger and more durable shell construction, preventing it from being deformed by temperature and humidity fluctuation and allowing a simpler and greater variety of tuning opportunities, thanks to it's special outer curve which follows the natural shape of the drumhead.
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